Blaze is a metaphorical concept to be validated (since it is just a prototype). If we want to understand the concept of blaze, the first thing to do is to dismantle the concept. This step helps us understand how the concept of blaze was formed and how this art was established. One way of forming blaze is from sparks. The creation of fire requires combustibles, and in this work of art the combustible is a fact of events or things. First, I throw out a description of a factual event or thing, and give the people an opportunity to start freely modifying the factual event or thing description. This opportunity is equivalent to the starting point of fire in this artistic concept. In this process, I am the igniter, leading the beginning of the act of modifying facts. Then I would give the process of the development of the work, where the masses will modify this factual event or thing for countless times. In the end event or thing becomes beyond recognition, even though that it (later referred to as things) can still be seen and read, but these words or images no longer have credibility. The masses change this thing with their own preferences, and everyone adds their own wishes to this thing, so that although the final thing is suitable for public opinion, it also reflects that these opinions are not always credible. At this point, I believe the reason why I call this work blaze has been obvious. As an igniter, I start the spark. With the joining of the masses, the spark turns into a fire that burns the factual event or thing. The last thing left after modification is the ashes left after burning. The creator of the ashes is the participant of this project, and the participants are like sparks that lead to the formation of this fire. At this time, as the creator, I go through this work again, and present the original facts in front of the audience, and restore it back to the beginning of this fire.